Friends of Marymoor Park

April 24, 2024 Meeting Summary

-- see also the March 27, 2024  meeting summary

  1. Welcome and Introductions:

    Greg Helland, FOMP President; Chris Jordan, Marymoor Park Administration, King County Parks; Glenn Eades, Eastside Audubon Bird Loop, neighbor;  Shai Hinitz, MAR/C; Michael Hobbs, Marymoor Bird Survey, FOMP Secretary; Kevin Killeen, Parks Levy Oversight Board Member, attending virtually

  2. Capital Site Planning:

    Chris gave out some very rough-draft documents, to be discussed over the next couple of months.  One details some Values and Goals, and the other lists 40+ items and actions that the Marymoor Park work team has identified as priorities to be done soon.  These include various analyses and studies, but also repairs and upgrades to existing facilities, operational adjustments, design work, etc.  This second document also provides a gauge of urgency system on which a ranking of these items would, in some ways, be based.  We did not discuss these documents during the meeting.

    Traffic study is counting drive-through traffic, and various other kinds of traffic usage, both for cars and trail use.  Parametrix is doing the study.  Direct monitoring will be completed soon.
    Chris would like us to make comments on these documents for next month.  These are very much draft documents, not for wide distribution. 

  3. CIP/Project/Facility Updates:

    a.    Eastside Audubon Birdloop:

    43 people at April work party, including many cub scouts.  It was the last month with access to the East Meadow before nesting season.

    b.    Marymoor Community Gardens:

    Looking to do a new multi-language welcome sign.  They would like another bin constructed out of ecology blocks next to their existing ones.  They will be having a plant sale for members coming up.

    c.    R/C Field (MAR/C):

    On the 10th of April, Shai found no parking available, even though there was only one person flying.  This was members of the Muslim Association of Puget Sound people trying to attend events for the end of Ramadan.  KC Parks was ticketing some of those cars.  Shai asked for Parks to speak with the organizers to make sure people park in the parking that was set aside for them. 

    Cubs and Cousins event was very well attended.  Unfortunately, a MAR/C canopy was destroyed by the wind.  Otherwise, a very good event.

    Construction slowly but surely continues.  Gravel and pavers were installed today; the ADA path is coming.

    d.    Off-leash area (SODA):

    Replaced split-rail fencing near the Pea Patch, and quite a bit of blackberry removal in the same area.  Prepping for restoration of various portions of the Dog Meadow.

    e.    Cascade Music Collective and Seattle Event Solutions (Concert venue):

    The first 13 concerts have been announced, out of maybe 18 total for 2024.  They will be having a big marketing push soon.   Parks and Seattle Event Solutions will soon complete signing for the management of Clise Mansion.

    f.    Maintenance:

    Seasonal workers are on-site and are undergoing training.  Parks is having discussions about what to do with the very old shelter SW of Clise Mansion.  There have been fires set there recently, and currently it is fenced off.  Proposal is to remove the walls.  There will be a concessionaire in the Lot K restroom building this summer.  There will also be a sort of farm stand in Lot A (near the mansion) a couple of days a week.

    g.    Sound Transit Light Rail:

    Bellevue to Technology Center opening very soon.  Already, the extension to Redmond is having some test runs over the tracks.

    h.    Cricket Facility Proposal:

    FOMP got a response yesterday from Councilmember Balducci.  Notably, her response was to say nothing new, and to suggest we work through KC Parks.  Shai suggested that we point to alternate locations.  Shai requested that Greg craft a response to the Councilmember. Shai suggested KC land near 60 Acres, but it was pointed out that the land there is set aside for agricultural use.  Greg agreed that a different site suggestion is a good idea; he pointed to the old Sounders training ground in Renton.  Greg also suggested that the coming levy has some goals and policies, and the proposed cricket field conflicts with those goals and policies.  Greg made these comments officially in the levy comment system.
  4. Other Business:

    Michael noted that on April 4th, a Western Bluebird was found along the north edge of Fields 7-8-9.  This was a new species for the park.  245 species of birds have now been seen at Marymoor Park over the last 30 years.
    Next meeting Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 in the Art Barn

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These notes do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.

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