Friends of Marymoor Park

July 28th, 2004 Meeting Summary

-- see also the May 2004 meeting summary

1) Welcome and Introductions

2) Development Criteria

Michael Hobbs has been attending these committee meetings, and he reported on the current proposed process that will be used to evaluate new (mostly revenue generating) projects at Marymoor Park.

Proposed is a multi-stage system in which the proponents of a project will fill out a fairly lengthy questionnaire that covers many areas of consideration regarding a project (impact on the park, revenue potential, capital cost projections, maintenance cost projections, neighborhood impact, parking impact, etc., etc., etc).  This questionnaire is expected to take 1-4 hours to fill out - not unreasonable for the kinds of large projects that this process is designed for.  Questions such as siting and design would not be part of this original questionnaire.

County staff would then rate each response on a simple scale (i.e. very good, good, neutral, bad, very bad, not applicable).  There would be no mathematical scoring, as items are not of equal importance.  However, the scoring would allow staff to give projects a "sniff test", and possibly also allow them to prioritize potential projects (each of which takes staff time and resources).

Projects that the county decided to pursue would then be brought out for a quick assessment by outside parties, including other branches of KC government, the City of Redmond, and FOMP.  FOMP (and the other parties) would have access to the questionnaire answers, which should give us a much better idea of what is proposed than we have previously had on "heads-up"-type project announcements.  FOMP would be asked to make comments, both about our reactions to the concept, but also suggestions or concerns that could be used in the next process of evaluation.  FOMP might be asked to keep quiet about the proposal.

The next phase would be up to the county to develop the project further, including determining site and design.  This process would include all that is required to take a project to the point where it can be presented at a formal public meeting.

The formal public meeting might be held in conjunction with a FOMP meeting, including required formal announcements of the meeting process.  There would be a comment period for written responses as well as the oral comments made at the public meeting.

Normal processes would be used to take the project further, including any required authorization by the King County council, if such would be required.

At any point in the process, the county could decide not to pursue a project.  FOMP comments might lead the county to such a decision, but FOMP would never have a veto.

3) Town Hall Meeting

Monday, KC Council had a Town Hall meeting (125 people attended) in a tent on the grounds of Clise Mansion.

Two panels gave reports to council – one on the Parks situation over the last 3 years, including the changes in direction or park management and funding, and one on the natural resource lands.

Public comment was allowed after the presentation (2 minutes each)

In comments from FOMP members as representatives of their respective associations, we learned of the success of 2 rowers getting on national juniors team, and 1 cyclist on the national team.

4) Trial RV Parking Program Proposal

Marymoor is short on revenue in 2004 due to shortfalls in other entrepreneurial projects.  This pushes the need for more income this year. Norah would like a 12-month trial period on the RV camping trial.

Proposed RV parking would be in the east end of Lot B (“Cowboy Lot”). Up to 40 sites would be possible. No tent camping would be allowed because there aren’t suitable facilities (restrooms, showers, cooking sites).

This would be separate from special event RV parking that has been allowed before – that would still be handled as always.

This would be primitive RV camping – no electricity, no water, no portapotties, no dump site.

No grading changes would be required.

Many comments were forthcoming from FOMP members:

Michael Hobbs reiterated Greg Helland's reaction last month that the negative impact of this proposal, in terms of the eyesore nature of RV camping in such a visible spot, is not adequately compensated for by increase revenue.  Net revenue projections for this proposal are in the area of $15,000 annually.

Barbara suggested a Campground Host to provide on-site supervision. Norah responded that the county is planning to try to find one, assuming usage indicates that there would be a benefit. Bill and Barbara suggested the Good Sam's Club as a good contact.

Michael suggested that the interiors of the velodrome restrooms be painted – it’s pretty gross in there, and there is an anticipated increase in usage of those facilities.

Michael suggested that, assuming this becomes a success, trees be planted to screen the area and provide shade.

Barbara asked about reservations. Norah worried about staff time to do things like mark the spots.

Bill suggested that the check-out time be earlier than 3:00, just so people checking in have sufficient time (esp. in winter) to get parked and established before dark. This is more of an issue if reservations are possible.

Bill and Barbara suggested handling of extra vehicles by having a special location for overnight parking with a fee (i.e. $5/night).

Questions were asked about charcoal barbecues. (may require charcoal disposal can)

Quiet hour rules should explicitly mention generators and pets.

Might want an information kiosk and a message board.

Michael can send some documents with more details on request (email

5) Willow Cutting

Army Corps of Engineers is requiring cutting of the west side of the slough for about 1000 feet below the weir. Virtually the same as the cutting on the east side last year. Will happen during the last 2 weeks of August (16th to 31st).

6) Other

A comfrey control project is attempting to use 8mm plastic cover to smother comfrey in the east section of the Community Gardens area. It will also extend a bit into the dog area. Comfrey is an incredibly invasive weed. Bobbi would like to get rid of the comfrey in the place where the Pet Garden might go…

The lake observation platform rebuild is underway. Same size as the remnant dock (no end platform).

The NW corner of Marymoor will have its annual mowing done sometime in late August.

SODA negotiating a long-term agreement that would be very similar to the agreement that has been in effect since shortly after the passage of the 1995 Marymoor Master Plan. The original agreement expired after 7 years, and the county granted an extension.  The extension will soon also expire.

Barbara stated that sometimes the Rowing Club (Marymoor West) lot gates are not being locked at night. Especially a problem on July 4.

Pet Memorial Garden – will have a public meeting in August.

Reader board is at the stage of responding to public comments.

The next meeting will be August 25, 2004.

These notes were made by the webmaster, Michael Hobbs, and they do not constitute an official record of the meeting.  They may have inaccuracies and omissions.  If anyone has any complaints about the content of these notes, they should direct them to Michael Hobbs at, and he will endeavor to correct them.


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